Cabinet with Two Antique X’s and Two New Ones
Bow Wow, Cluck Cluck, bench
Redneck Son of Bow Wow, Cluck Cluck
Desk with Wiggle Leg and Lamp
Little White Desk with Lamp and Clock
Checkerboard Trestle Table
Pineapple - Partners Desk
Chest of Drawers with Little Doors
Little Aluminum Desk, Blue
Crated Cabinet with Clock
“You can Forget Your 'Post-Modernism'—back to Basic Shit #2”
White Bench with Whistling Drawers
The Venus of Willendorf Meets Alley Oop
"That Jackson, he spits!—Piet” (sideboard)
Black Side Table with Aluminum Leg
African Bench with Painted Oval Ends
New England Hall Table and Chair #2
A table made from Mark’s parts
Another table made from Mark’s parts
Prototype #1 (Bent wood table)